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For in GOD we live, and move, and have our being. - Acts 17:28

The Joy of a Teacher is the Success of his Students. - Samuel Dominic Chukwuemeka

Questions for Thought


May the grace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, and the love of GOD, and the fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT be with all of you. ...$\boldsymbol{2\:Corinthians\:\: 13:14}$

We all believe in JESUS CHRIST.
JESUS CHRIST is the One that binds us all as Christians.

These are several questions for the followers of JESUS CHRIST.
These are questions for Christians.
Please remember that the Christian Church is for everyone.
Please remember that only the sick people, not healthy people need a doctor. $\boldsymbol{Matthew \:\:9:12}$
Please read further on the mission of JESUS CHRIST: $\boldsymbol{Matthew \:\:9:13}$
Please reflect on these questions.
Then, respond if you wish.
Then, make changes if you wish.
Then, examine your conscience if you wish.
More questions would be added as time demands.

(1.) Is it possible, or when will it be possible, or can it be made possible for:
(a.) us to be one? $\boldsymbol{John \:\:17:20 - 21}$
(b.) us to correct one another with love? $\boldsymbol{Matthew \:\:18:15 - 17}$
(c.) us to avoid using social media to criticize one another?

(2.) Is it possible, or when will it be possible, or can it be made possible for:
(a.) anyone to preach the word of GOD and preach only about GOD without acknowledging any other person?
(b.) anyone to preach the word of GOD without acknowledging the founder or general overseer or spiritual father or any other person?

(3.) Is it possible, or when will it be possible, or can it be made possible for:
(a.) us to praise GOD without mentioning any other name?
(b.) us to worship GOD without mentioning any other name?

(4.) Is there anything wrong for anyone in decent attire to pose in front of any Church with the Holy Bible for any reason in so far the person is not desecrating it?
I understand we should not overlook the process/means in getting in front of the church.
However, is it wrong for any properly-dressed person to take a picture with the Holy Bible in front of a Christian Church for any reason in so far the person is not desecrating it?

(5.) Do you agree that you still need a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST that is completely independent of anyone else?

$\boldsymbol{Matthew \:\:11:27 - 30 \\[1em] Revelation\:\:3:20}$

(6.) Do you agree that there is no single way or law or step or principle to predict GOD or His works or His ways?

$\boldsymbol{Job \:\:5:9 \\[1em] Job \:\:9:10 \\[1em] Job \:\:37:5 \\[1em] Isaiah\:\:40:28 \\[1em] Psalm\:\: 40:5 \\[1em] Psalm\:\:145:3 \\[1em] Ecclesiastes\:\:3:11 \\[1em] Romans\:\:11:33} \\[1em] $ If yes, is it proper to criticize any work of GOD manifested in any way?
If yes, is it proper to even attempt to predict GOD?

(7.) Catholics, do you agree that the Apostle's Creed said during the Holy Mass is a prayer?
If you agree, why do you mention 'pontius pilate' in your prayer? Is he relevant? Is he worthy of mention in your prayer?
Should you not focus only on GOD?
Should you not focus only on JESUS CHRIST?

(8.) Catholics, which prayer do you think is better/preferable?
"Holy Mary, Mother of GOD, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death" OR
"Holy Mary, Mother of GOD, pray for us sinners now and always"
Is it not much better to ask the intercession of our Holy Mother always?

(9.) Catholics, do you agree with what we pray in the Gloria...
Thou alone art holy;
Thou alone art the LORD
Thou alone ar the Most High JESUS CHRIST.
If you agree, then why address the Pope as Holy Father? holy father? Why?
Why teach that the Pope is infallible?
Is he not an ordinary human being?

(10.) Do you agree that the testimony of JESUS CHRIST is the spirit of prophecy? $\boldsymbol{Revelation\:\:19:10}$

...more questions to be added...